We invite submissions in the form of a short 250-word description and visual documentation of a found or self-made textile object, pattern, material or tool alongside a 250-word reflection on how it may be seen to hold both knowledges and questions. Please submit this via this Google Form. Submissions should be received by February 13 AoE.
Please indicate in your submission if you plan on attending CHI in person or not.
If you can attend in person
We will consider your submission as an application to the workshop and make our selections based on the depth and diversity of the techniques you engage. If you are accepted, at least one author from your submission must attend the workshop and register for both the workshop and 1 day of the main conference. We will include your submission on this website and invite you to join a online group devoted to connecting and sharing with other textile engaged researchers in HCI/Design Research.
If you cannot attend the workshop in person
We will feature your submission on this website and invite you to join a online group devoted to textiles at HCI/Design Research. While we do not plan an “online” version of the workshop, we do hope that the community we build can inspire future workshops on this theme at other venues.
If you have questions about the submission process please email them to Laura Devendorf, laura (dot) devendorf (at) colorado.edu